The main window is called the Viper.NET shell. It is divided into the following areas:

Many plugins extend the shell with additional functions, for example the Vision Plugin or the ProcessPositions Plugin. Adaptations to the corporate identity as well as further layout functions are possible in the configuration file shellConfiguration.xml.
In vision applications, this header is normally displayed:

Configuration: [Obsolete] General name of the test task.
Type: Currently loaded type. A click on the text opens the Dialog for the type change.
User: Logged in user. A click on the text opens the dialog for the user login.
Main view¶
The main view displays the contents of the tab selected in the sidebar. The available tabs as well as their sort order are configurable. After startup, the tab with the smallest SortID is initially displayed.
Function bar¶

Frequently required functions are available at the push of a button in the function bar. The function panel can be extended by plugins. For example, the green bordered functions are added by the Vision plugin.
(1) Status Logging: Display of various internal information such as active licenses, status of stations or information about connected lights.

(2) Reset: Resets the stations, BV jobs, and other internal components.
(3) Screenshot: Creates a screenshot of each monitor when Print or Save is selected.
Print: Opens the print dialog for direct printing of the screenshot.
Save: Saves the screenshot in the project directory in the folder
(4) Log in/Log out: Opens the login dialog or logs out the current user.