Command line parameters¶
- -configFile=
Path to .makproj to start. Can be left out if .makproj is the first parameter:
Viper.NET.Shell.exe "PathTo\Project.makproj"
- -user=username
Login with the given user. Also requires -pw.
- -pw=password
Password for the user given in -user.
- -conStreamTelPoolFile=
override configFile parameter conStreamTelPoolFile
- -pluginDir=
override Plugins directory (Plugins)
- -jobconfig=path_to_jobconfig.xml
Path the job configuration to load on startup. Not valid if using vision type management.
- -visionType=typeName
The name of a vision type to load on startup. Only valid if using vision type management.
- -askExit
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, the user must confirm application exit. Defaults to true.
- -caption
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, the main window is displayed with borders instead of fullscreen. Defaults to false.
- -multiinstance
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Allow multiple instances of the application. Defaults to false.
- -keyboardHook
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Init global keyboard hook on startup. Defaults to false. If set, users can navigate the main form with PageUp, PageDown, F1 and F2.
- -screen=screenId
Starts the application on the given screen. Useful in multi-monitor environment. Defaults to 0 (=main screen). Screens are always numbered starting from 0.
- -simAllCams=0
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Globally simulate all cameras. Use only in test environments. Defaults to false.
- -disableStartLiveDisplays=0
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Do not start live mode in any CtlLiveDisplay on application start if disableStartLiveDisplays=1 or simAllCams=1
- -simAllLights=0
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Globally simulate all lightcontrollers. Use only in test environments. Defaults to false.
- -simAllHw=0
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Globally simulate all hardware by memory mapped file
- -simHwsById=
[1,2,3] Globally simulate hardware with mathing id by memory mapped file
- -simTimeReadHw=10
simAllHw=true := simulation time for reading from hw in ms
- -simTimeWriteHw=10
simAllHw=true := simulation time for writing to hw in ms
- -simTimeFirstConnect=0
simAllHw=true := simulation time for connection ok after init in ms
- -repair
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, the Viper.NET AutoInstallation is executed on each startup. Else, the AutoInstallation is only executed if required. Default is false.
- -uninstall
[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, Viper.NET will revert all files that were installed in the last AutoInstallation, and exit afterwards. Default is false.
- -log4net=path_to_log4net.config
Use given log4net config file instead of the one configured in the makproj file. Path is resolved relative to makproj file.
- -gControlLayoutCallDoEvents=0
Application.DoEvents in Add/Remove Controls from GControlLayout