Gardasoft PP6X¶
The two-channel lighting controllers of the Gardasoft PP600 series are controlled via the RS232 port. The supply voltage is 12 - 48V. The output voltage on the channel is 0 - 39V. In continuous mode a maximum current of 4A and in flash mode a maximum current of 10A can be set. The opto-isolated trigger inputs require an input voltage of 5 - 24V.

Controller settings¶

Name: Displayed name of the light controller.
Device label: Designation on the controller or name in the hardware diagram.
Simulation: Activate simulation mode for the light controller.
COM Settings: RS232 Communication Settings.
Store permanently: Store current settings in the controller’s EEPROM.
Connect: Open COM port and send channel modes.
Disconnect: Close COM port.
Light channel settings¶

Mode: Operating mode of the channel.
Continuous: Light channel continuous operation.
Select 1: Two current values can be selected via input 1.
Select 2: Two current values can be selected via input 2.
Select all: Four current values can be selected via inputs 1 and 2.
Trigger 1: Light channel trigger mode. The lighting is pulsed via input 1.
Trigger 2: Light channel trigger mode. The lighting is pulsed via input 2.
Trigger all: Light channel trigger mode. The lighting is pulsed via input 1 or 2.
Delay: Pulse delay in [ms] in trigger mode.
Pulse width: Pulse length in [ms] in trigger mode.
Apply: Apply channel settings and send.
In the Lumos only the first current value is sent for the select mode. Thus, the lighting can be switched on and off with this current intensity via the inputs, but switching the current intensity is not possible here.