Waycom Prodel¶
Communication with a Prodel controller is via the InterfaceWay interface. This is a 32 bit Com interface to the Com server application C:/WayCom/ProdelService.exe . That means ‘Waycom Prodel’ can only be used in a 32 bit process.
In a 64 bit process, ‘Waycom Prodel’ must be via a GInOut UDP client interface to a 32 bit GInOutHwExplorer. (The Visual Studio tool ‘CorFlags.exe GInOutHwExplorer.exe /32BIT+’ sets the 32 bit flag of the process).
Type: Waycom Prodel - 32 bit C++ dlls
ID: ID assigned
name suffix: Name control
Create: Press button to generate object
Numero: Enter the address of the Prodel controller (readable on the Prodel module display).
DisplayName: Name control
+: Adding data areas to be used for communication
DataBlockID: ID for this data block.
Length: Length of the data area
Name: Name of the data area
Page: Page number. The Prodel controller memory is divided into pages. Each page is 24 bytes long.
Offset: Offset in [byte] on the page.