S7 and TIA Portal (S7ISOTCP)¶
S7 controllers are integrated via an active TCP-IP connection to port 102 and RFC1006/ISO8073 protocol.

Type: PLC S7 Read/Write DB (S7ISOTCP Gefasoft GmbH)
ID: ID assigned
name suffix: Name control
Create: Press button to generate object
DisplayName: Name control
IP: Enter the IP address of the PLC.
+: Adding data areas to be used for communication

DataBlockID: ID for this data block.
Length: Length of the data area
Name: Name of the data area
DB: Module number
DW: Offset in [byte] in the PLC block.
Identifier: Block type. Usually the data exchange in Viper.NET is always done via data blocks (:=KENNUNG_BAUSTEIN).